Rabu, 22 Maret 2017

Who am I?

Hey Dude
Do you want to know who I am?

My name is Yusuf Pujianto. Everyone calls me "ucup". I don't know why but since the Bajaj Bajuri Film in 2000 was suddenly famous there are called Yusuf with "Ucup" and instantly turned my name. I'm 21 years old. I was born in Jakarta on 28 January 1996 and I'm a Moeslim. Although I was born in Jakarta but i live in Bekasi which is located in West Java. Perhaps many people denounced the existence of Bekasi. But they don't know if  Bekasi has 5 mall in one area. That is Metropolitan Mall, Bekasi Cyber Park Mall, Mega Mall, Grand Metropolitan Mall, and Revo Mall. Unique is not it? This is Bekasi dude. Welcome to my Planet wkwk

I'm a student in Gunadarma University majored in accounting sixth semester. If Allah Wills (Insya Allah) in 2018 willl be my day because I'll be happy with my graduation. At first I was interested in majoring in manajement, but because my sister command me to choose accounting then I chose accounting.

Talk about my hobbies, my hobby is sightseiing and touring with my love motorcylce James is a part of my live. I have friend living everyday and I call him James. Thats right, that's my love motorcylce. Maybe you can judge me a "strange" person when you know it. But I think many people out there will do the same thing like me.

I'm a relaxed man. I bealive everything gonna be okay if you're calm and think clearly. I bealive I live once to briefly and I had Allah in my life and my life always to worship Allah. By the way, I had a motto in my life that's "Yes, We can! Yes, We did!". It's not my word, it's Barack Obama who made the Qoutes. But for me when I say it in my mind it will be the driving force to realize that we were able to do anything. Remember, you are able to do whatever you want and don't forget to enjoy your life.